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Code of Conduct

In order to ensure the safety, learning, teaching, and daily operations of our school, it is an expectation that all students at North Scott Junior High School conduct themselves in a safe, responsible, and respectful manner.  It is the goal of the faculty and staff to empower students to regulate their own behavior in order to become self-disciplined individuals.  However, when inappropriate behavior disrupts the learning and school environment, the teachers and administrators at NSJH will take appropriate action according to the behavior and discipline rubric. The rubric is guidance only and is not binding. Each disciplinary case must be judged on the specific facts of the individual case to determine the fair and appropriate consequence.

This behavior management and discipline plan has been constructed for all stakeholders to work together to review and understand North Scott Junior High School’s goals for responsibility and behavior and discipline. Nothing in this discipline plan is intended to or shall be applied to conflict or contradict the North Scott District Board Policies.


North Scott Junior High Behavior Management and Discipline Plan