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Athletic Expectations

Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities

Students who wish to participate in extracurricular school activities must conduct themselves according to the district Good Conduct Rule (included below). We leave the balance of academic expectations and extra-curricular activities to the students and their parents. Therefore, we impose no academic eligibility for students to participate at North Scott Junior High

Athletic Requirements

Every athlete MUST have a physical exam & signed concussion form on file with our school nurse. Physicals are only good for one calendar year. Forms are available on this website.

ATHLETES ARE TO FOLLOW ALL DIRECTIVES given to them by their coach, officials, and staff during practice and all competitions. Athletes should represent North Scott’s program and team in a positive manner.

In Case of Injury

Any injury incurred during practice or a game must be relayed to your parent and coach. 

Good athletes are developed through hard work, good attitudes, good training, and lots of heart and desire. They must accept the responsibility of academics and athletics.